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Manage work and tasks performed outside the office. Optimize processes.

TrybiQ is a platform that allows you to eliminate unnecessary paperwork. It automates tasks, processes, and document flows.

It makes it easy for you to implement and maintain standards and procedures for task execution at the client’s side, thanks to easy replication of them in the system. Completed tasks are reported in the app – your people save time, and you get access to all information in one place.

Who is trybiQ for?

TrybiQ was created for service, manufacturing, and manufacturing-service companies that employ field workers. It helps them work more efficiently and makes it easier for managers to plan, lower customer service costs, and further optimize processes.

TrybiQ can be easily tailored to the needs of your industry: it will work in manufacturing, energy, construction, healthcare, trade, real estate, and many others.

What hinders the digitization of your business?

The growth of many companies is hindered by similar technological constraints that directly complicate efficient management and proper business decision-making.





Issues with introducing and maintaining effective client service rules in a small service company

A tool that allows implementing your own task execution procedures, in line with the specifics of the services provided, clients’ needs, and confirmation of their execution by employees

Guarantee of compliance with established procedures by the team and flexibility in creating tasks tailored to client requirements


Difficulty in maintaining efficient and effective information flow within the team

One digital communication and reporting channel within a coherent system for all employees. Automatic generation of email content

More efficient fieldwork and easier team management. Faster communication and more efficient response


Lack of quick access to an event registry for field workers

Digital event registration, e.g., breakdowns, repairs, materials, and tools inventory in one system

Immediate access to the most important client information from anywhere


Difficulties in communicating with clients

A system enabling quick information exchange about completed tasks and protocols

Easier categorization and management of clients and more efficient cooperation


Tedious office work based on paper documents

Complete, digital archive of completed tasks and report creation in one easy-to-use system

Increased work productivity, saving precious hours and money previously consumed by preparing documentation and creating reports


Restricted access to contact data and client information

A database of contact details with information about clients and cooperation history

Easier categorization and management of clients and more efficient cooperation


Difficulties in assessing and developing skills of employees working outside the office

A system supporting training implementation, tests, and progress monitoring

Creating appropriate training programs for the team, which translates into improved quality of services


Issues with introducing and maintaining effective client service rules in a small service company


A tool that allows implementing your own task execution procedures, in line with the specifics of the services provided, clients’ needs, and confirmation of their execution by employees


Guarantee of compliance with established procedures by the team and flexibility in creating tasks tailored to client requirements


One digital communication and reporting channel within a coherent system for all employees. Automatic generation of email content


More efficient fieldwork and easier team management. Faster communication and more efficient response


Digital event registration, e.g., breakdowns, repairs, materials, and tools inventory in one system


Immediate access to the most important client information from anywhere


A system enabling quick information exchange about completed tasks and protocols


Easier categorization and management of clients and more efficient cooperation


Complete, digital archive of completed tasks and report creation in one easy-to-use system


Increased work productivity, saving precious hours and money previously consumed by preparing documentation and creating reports


A database of contact details with information about clients and cooperation history


Easier categorization and management of clients and more efficient cooperation


A system supporting training implementation, tests, and progress monitoring


Creating appropriate training programs for the team, which translates into improved quality of services


Automate field processes

Take advantage of a free consultation and see how we can help automate processes in your company

Discover trybiQ — designed to simplify the digitization of work performed by a deskless team - mechanics, auditors, technicians, etc.

TrybiQ enables simple and effective management of tasks performed in the field, such as audits, inspections, service works, or inspections.

Moreover, with our platform, you can quickly and easily generate digital documents, such as forms, protocols, reports, checklists, and orders.

Digitalizacja pracy

What can you gain by introducing trybiQ into your company?

Our platform is based on proven business know-how. We know which processes and data are essential for companies to grow. TrybiQ will help you achieve this by:

Ikona — Optymalizacja kosztów pracy

Optimizing labor costs

Optimize costs by transferring administrative work to the digital domain within one system.

Ikona — zadania

Quick insight into team tasks

Keep track of planned and completed tasks thanks to integration with the Outlook calendar.
Ikona — kontrola czasu

Work time control

Easily measure the time and efficiency of work performed in the field.
Ikona — wykonanie zadania

Current confirmation of task completion

Receive regular and clear reports and confirmations of tasks performed in the field (e.g., photos, surveys).
Ikona — ranking

Increasing client satisfaction

Improve client service and order execution thanks to smooth communication and gain ongoing insight into the history of work with the client.
Ikona — potencjał

Managing client potential

Take advantage of digitization and see that categorizing and segmenting clients has never been easier.
Ikona — wzrost efektywności

Efficiency increase

Automate repeatable, routine team tasks to eliminate errors and save time for key activities. Optimize travel time to the client. Optimize travel time to the client.
Ikona — baza danych

Data access

Start collecting and analyzing data to make better decisions and implement further automation of your processes.

Consult trybiQ implementation

Join the most modern companies that have completely digitized their processes and use software to store data and manage the organization.

What makes trybiQ unique?

Grafika no-code

Easy integration with other systems

We provide ready-to-use no-code software that you can easily customize to meet your company's individual needs and integrate with currently used systems such as ERP, CRM, Outlook, Teams.

Grafika — cyfryzacja dokumentów

Digitization of documents

Creating and storing online protocols and reports, and managing documents in digital form, contributes to increasing efficiency and reducing paper documentation.

Grafika — Aplikacja mobilna

Mobile application

TrybiQ is a mobile application that, unlike web platforms, allows efficient use of all features under any conditions. It provides proof of task completion along with location and a photo marked with data about the place and time of execution and the author.

Grafika — ustawienia

Customization of the application to individual needs

Quick and simple personalization of system features and settings and creation of forms and documents thanks to no-code. It is possible to plan all kinds of tasks - remote, stationary, and telephone - without the support of programmers.

How does it work?





Grafika - Checked
You receive ready-to-implement software for managing work flows, a work planning tool that additionally supports field workers in task execution.
Grafika - Checked
You benefit from the many functionalities of the platform, which you integrate with your current systems.
Grafika - Checked
You receive templates that you can quickly adjust in case of any change in regulatory or contractual requirements.
Grafika - Checked
Your team gets real-time remote access to the office, the company’s knowledge base, and customer data.
Grafika - Checked
You provide field workers with tools that improve customer service, shorten response times, save resources, and increase engagement.
Grafika - Checked
Management gets access to key data.

Technologies driving trybiQ:

Technological solutions
Grafika no-code

A no-code platform with future-proof solutions

A gallery of ready-made templates allows you to customize forms and processes independently, without programmer support. The system evolves with needs and can be expanded with new processes in accordance with changing conditions. The system evolves with needs and can be expanded with new processes in accordance with changing conditions.
Ikona — analiza z użyciem Biqsens

Advanced analysis using Biqsens, OData i PowerBI

Take advantage of advanced data analytics on the Biqsens platform, based on Power BI. Transparent reports made available to specific people according to their role in the organization will provide quick access to essential knowledge.
Ikona — Technologia AI-ML

AI/ML technology used in image recognition

AI/ML technology used in image recognition Image recognition using AI allows for automatic control of task execution and compliance with conditions based on a photo taken by the employee.
Ikona — bezpieczeństwo

Security guarantee with Microsoft Azure

Our solution uses Microsoft Azure – a leader among secure cloud services. Azure Active Directory (AAD) serves as the identity management for users. This gives each user precisely assigned permissions, allowing access only to data intended for them.
Ikona — znaczek dolara

Software as a Service solution

Software as a Service solution Lower costs by choosing a ready-made solution available as part of a subscription, which will grow with your company. Lower costs by choosing a ready-made solution available as part of a subscription, which will grow with your company. Your data will be safe thanks to our Information Security Management System compliant with the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013
tribiQ technologies driving business

FAQ - find the answer to your question

TrybiQ was created because we noticed how many companies employing deskless workers need solutions that would facilitate the registration of service, control, audit, and other activities performed outside the office. Another important reason was to assist in the implementation of full digitalization of tasks and projects, taking into account the specifics of deskless work, in a way that would reduce unnecessary paperwork throughout the company.

In many industries, competition is growing, as well as the level and expectations of customers regarding the services provided. Optimizing current processes while improving the quality of services and reducing costs seems to be an obvious action for most organizations. One of the best ways to start is by optimizing business processes step by step, then the risk of making a mistake and resistance to change is smaller, which favors the realization of specific business goals. Introducing changes is best started by creating a process map. TrybiQ allows effective implementation and maintenance of standards and business processes, and easily replicates them in the system, which helps to optimize them and increase service quality.

The size of a company is not a barrier to optimizing business processes. TrybiQ helps in optimizing processes in both small companies, employing a few deskless workers, and those employing significantly more. In practice, this means that the more employees you hire, the greater the savings you can achieve through optimizing their work.

Most organizations know that continuous process optimization is a strategic element in the development of their enterprise. Robotic process automation (RPA), i.e., replacing activities suitable for automation with an application, is a business routine in many industries. Unfortunately, what often hinders development is the resistance employees show towards introducing modern technologies into their daily work.

On the one hand, optimizing business processes enables cost reduction and allows eliminating human errors in work, but most people are afraid of change. From a psychological point of view, changes can evoke resistance, even if improving or redesigning a given process from scratch may result in minimizing errors made by employees who are afraid of this change. Unfortunately, with such a limited approach to introducing improvements, a company can lose a lot.

The most common objections from employees (often unspoken directly) are fear of being replaced by machines, as they may become an unnecessary cost overnight. The automation of business processes (process automation) and digitization of their work scare them because they understand optimization as cutting costs. This resistance can be overcome by following a few simple steps performed in a set sequence:

  1. Presenting and reinforcing the benefits of using the new solution among employees.
  2. Conducting training that introduces interested parties to the topic.
  3. Engaging people who will use the new technologies through “internal marketing” to generate excitement about the new project.
  4. Starting implementation with basic functionalities, without introducing all modules of a given application at once, to not overwhelm with the scale and pace of change.

If you are interested in this topic, we develop it further in the article about overcoming employees’ resistance to implementing new technologies.

There are several aspects to take care of for the smooth operation of a company employing deskless workers:

  1. Constant monitoring of work progress, through easy access to assigned orders and smooth flow of information between the worker and the manager.
  2. Full understanding of all processes, both by the employees themselves and their superiors.
  3. Availability of data, so it can be easily analyzed and optimization actions can be chosen that, thanks to improvement, can yield the best results. Complete information needed to start work and perform the order – all in one place and always at hand, without writing emails or making calls to supplement missing information.
  4. Continuous improvement and optimization of business processes.
  5. Communication and smooth flow of information between the worker and the manager. Quick and efficient management of urgent orders.
  6. Creating documentation, reports, analyses, which instead of unnecessarily occupying time, facilitate and accelerate work.

TrybiQ streamlines and optimizes work in each of the above aspects, which is why it is appreciated by both managers and employees.


Effective digitization is possible thanks to the cooperation of many solutions. TrybiQ can easily be integrated with your other tools:

Switch to trybiQ and gain new automation and workflow improvement opportunities!

Fill out the form and find out how process automation can work in your company. You can ask about every detail — our experience is at your disposal.
Ekspert - analityka biznesowa

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Why should you trust us?

We support companies in digital transformation and, through the integration of business processes with technological capabilities, we help entrepreneurs develop a modern and efficient organizational model.

The trybiQ platform has been designed by Sagra Technology, an expert in the digital transformation industry, endorsed by:

Grafika — ranking

Over 100 specialists

Grafika — czas

35 years in the market

Grafika — partnerstwo

20 years of partnership with Microsoft

Grafika — ISO

ISO/IEC 27001:20213

Trusted by:




Johnson & Johnson



