
Image Recognition

Win on the shelves with AI.

Image Recognition Technology

The system is able to automatically identify products on the store shelves. All you need is to take a photo of the shelf.

The IR technology uses artificial neuron network and machine learning to recognize products on the picture with an accuracy up to 98%.

Technologia rozpoznawania obrazu
Merchandising Image Recognition

What is Merchandising Image Recognition?

Retail audit with the use of Image Recognition technology is a whole new level of merchandising management. It significantly shortens the time of the sales visit and provides reliable data ready for further analysis. Regularly performed Retail audits ensure product companies that stores’ merchandising is compliant with agreed-upon standards.

How cane you use Merchandising Image Recognition?

Merchandising IR

In-store Merchandising audit powered by Image Recognition.

Allows you to implement and maintain standards of products’ visibility and availability.

Provides reliable and confirmed data regarding the implementation of products’ on-shelf placement and availability standards.

Provides a basis to execute standards and prices agreed with the retailer.

Shortens the time of the sales visit.

How it works?

The system automatically analyzes a number of parameters:


Implementation of your merchandising standards: verification of established merchandising standards or planograms.

OSA (On-Shelf Availability)

Automatic verification of in-store product availability (Item counts on shelves).

Shelf share by brands

Automatic evaluation of product category size, calculation of the brand's share in the shelf/category.

TPR recognition

Verification of the number of pharmacies/shops (locations) with promotional tags on the shelves, price recognition.

Implementation of standards is measured by specified KPI’s:


The presence of products from the listing


Merchandising Image Recognition. Zgodność cen

Compliance of prices with recommendations


IR Widoczność cen

Price visibility


Merchandising Szerokość ekspozycji

Width of the product layout


image recognition — udział w półce

Shelf share

Merchandising IR z Emigo


IR udział w półce

Expected and actual shelf share


Zgodność z ekspozycją

Compliance of products’ presentation with merchandising standards


Obecność kategorii produktowych

Presence of product categories


image recognition - obecność

Presence of additional displays according to standards and agreement

Merchandising Image Recognition

A source of reliable data.

IR dane do analizy

Ready-to-analyze data

gathered thanks to Image Recognition is a trustworthy source of knowledge you need to make effective decisions.

Wyniki badania Merchandising IR

The effects of Merchandising IR

can be analyzed in easy to use reports, available on Biqsens analytical platform.

Consult the implementation in your company

Fill out the form and find out what benefits Merchandising Image Recognition ​ will bring to your company. You can inquire about any detail – our experience is at your disposal.

Ekspert - analityka biznesowa

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