Profile Vox Sp. z o.o. sp.k.

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By implementing the Emigo system from Sagra Technology in all branches across Central and Eastern Europe, VOX has unified sales and distribution to maximize the efficiency of sales representatives and increase the supply chain’s operational capacity.

The VOX capital group comprises four companies, each a leader in its industry: Meble VOX, Drzwi i Podłogi VOX, Profile VOX, and Drewno VOX (now Drzwi i Podłogi). They achieve success through skilled staff, modern technologies, and high-quality products and services.

In late 2010, the Emigo system was implemented in Profile VOX branches in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Previously, the solution was implemented in other company branches in Central and Eastern Europe. In Poland, Emigo has been operational since 2007. The system was subsequently implemented in Romania and Bulgaria (in English), and later in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia (with both English and Russian versions of TME). It then reached Belarus and Ukraine (in both language versions).

“The Emigo system, implemented in Poland, proved to be so universal and functional that a plan was immediately created to apply it in other branches: from Estonia to Bulgaria,” says Daniel Pięta, Emigo System Administrator, Profile VOX. “The function layout on the application screen is common to all language versions, so even if someone doesn’t speak the language or has terminology issues but knows the application well, they will manage.”

The scope of system use by VOX employees is quite complex. The cloud-based application primarily helps with order placement during a sales representative’s visit to a sales point. Thanks to the solution’s integration with the largest distributor of building materials and interior equipment in Poland, supplied by Drzwi i Podłogi VOX, products can be ordered according to current inventory levels. This not only streamlines logistics and ensures the product is available to the seller promptly but also better manages inventory and production to keep up with actual customer needs.

“Another important application of Emigo is the so-called ‘shelf survey,'” says Daniel Pięta. “During each visit, our sales representative performs a routine survey: how many of our products and how wide their exposure are, compared to selected competing products. This information is structured and sent through Emigo to an external Business Intelligence system, allowing for statistical data collection, analysis, and ultimately, evaluating the effectiveness of our actions. This solution is successfully implemented in all markets where Emigo operates, allowing us to compare industry trends uniformly across Europe.”

Sagra Technology’s solution is well-suited for periodic product surveys and assessing newly introduced items. It allows for using surveys conducted by representatives at sales points. Information gathered this way from customers helps tailor products to market needs. Additionally, the system verifies the work of sales representatives.

“In every destination, the sales representative must perform actions according to procedure. Emigo facilitates going through this process step by step. This gives us ready reports from sales representatives with visit and mileage records,” adds Daniel Pięta. “Some companies monitor their representatives’ work very closely using GPS. At Profile VOX, this is unnecessary because Emigo allows the representative to report in real-time, eliminating the need for other supervisory measures.”

The data gathered by Emigo enables not only accounting for sales representatives’ work but also tracking their sales targets in real-time. The system provides data for both supervisors and sellers. The SaaS model application facilitates data collection for promotional campaigns, product rankings, special actions, and effectiveness verification.

“The implementation at VOX is one of the more interesting in terms of the scope of Emigo use,” says Marcin Koch, Implementation Department Director at Sagra Technology. “The geographic and linguistic range applied at VOX is also impressive. It is gratifying that the tool we provide our client can contribute to improving their business efficiency and growth in European markets.”
